Player Registration
If your team contact has already registered your team, and you are a player who needs to register into it
Team Registration
If you are a team contact, looking to register a team into our competition
Local Competition
Quick Links:
Our Touch Association only runs a Summer Competition. The competition for both Seniors and Juniors starts the first Thursday of term 4 – this year on 15th October. Competitions are only on Thursday as thanks to size of the Bill Rose Sports complex we can at least 12 senior games playing at the same time. Senior competition has 16 rounds and 2 weeks of finals to complete the season.
The Junior Competition gets under way at 4:30, then 5:00pm, while seniors have two time slots commencing at 5:45pm and this year, 6:30pm. Games are 30 minutes, touch down turn around and all competitions are mixed.
We can have 5-7 Grades in the Seniors providing a wide range of skill levels and ages. A number of teams are made up of family members which is great.
The Juniors have three grades based on school years. Kinder and Year 1, Years 2 & 3, and Years 4,5 & 6. The K-1 age group have a shorter 10 week competition with no semi finals as results are not recorded. The other two grades will extend their season into 2021 playing another four rounds then two weeks of finals.
All competitions have an extended break over Christmas and the New Year – restarting around the end of January. .
How much does it cost?
We charge our registration fees per player. The committee has decided to retain the same fees again for our Summer Competition with Juniors in the short 10 week competition paying $25, Juniors and School Age players in the Senior Competition, $40 while Adults pay $75. A family concession is available for players – total cost for family is $175.
Registering for Touch has never been easier.
Once your team contact has registered your team, and you are a player who needs to register into it use the Player Registration above and search for your team name.
If you are a team contact, looking to register a team into our competition use the team registration above.
To view fixtures and results please use
Field Layouts
Our association plays at the Bill Rose Sports Complex in Scone, NSW.
There are currently a total of 12 fields available.
Is Touch the same as Tag?
No, there’s no ‘tag’ in Touch Football! You don’t need any specific types of shorts to play like you do in a tag game.
Do you have to be fit to play Touch?
Nope, Touch Football at park level is a social sport. And there’s a reason it’s Australia’s largest social sport, with 700,000 people around the country taking part – everyone can play, no matter your age or size. It’s just about finding a social team that suits you.
What is Mixed Touch?
Many Touch Football clubs around the country offer ‘Mixed’ competitions, which means males and females can play in teams together. Depending on the age criteria set by the club, this means whole families (kids, parents, grandparents) can event play together. Even at the most elite end of the sport.
Scone Touch has for many years only run mixed competitions for both Junior and Seniors.
ANZ Stadium
Warm Up Arena
Mason Park
Bill Rose Sports Complex - Scone, NSW 2337
Sports Injury Claims Procedure
- When injured, report your injury to your Association immediately and fill out the injury report form. (This must be done on the day/night) DOWNLOAD HERE
- Request a claim form within 30 days via Sportscover – or download via the TFA website
- Ensure your team, local association and state are provided. Ensure the official report form is completed by your association. Please remember to complete all section to avoid delay
- Have your medical practitioner to fill in the appropriate statement and email all completed paperwork to
- Claim from your Private health insurer/Medicare, if applicable
- When treatment is complete please return all accounts.
Touch Football Australia manages changes to the policy to maintain currency with industry requirements. In addition, claims are managed so large increases related to increase claims are evened out across the scheme ensuring stability with insurance related costs for local associations.
To review the coverage available, we recommend all individuals to consider their personal circumstance and assess if additional external coverage is required outside of what is offered as part of membership to the affiliated structure of Touch Football Australia.
To view policy related information, please visit the ‘Insurance’ section of the Touch Football Australia website:
Wet Weather
Wet Weather
For Wet Weather Updates please follow our Facebook page and the “NEWS” section on our website.
Decisions will be attempted to be made well in advance, however this is sometimes out of our control.
In the case of inclement weather, we are controlled by any Council decisions. If the fields are open, generally games will play if it is raining only. Should there by lightning storms in the vicinity however, the Committee reserves the right to proceed with or cancel games.

Rules and Regulations
Scone Touch Association uses Qualified Refs when available for each game. On rare occasions, there may be two refs ‘buddying’ however the majority of time we only have one ref per game.
Refs who are qualified and help out regularly are paid for each game. This year due to COVID 19, refs will have additional responsibilities before games start, and will therefore have in increase in their payment. Qualified refs in senior games will get $20 per game. Qualified refs in Junior Games will continue to get their $10 per game.
Duty Refs –
Every team must nominate at least one player to assist as a Ref when the team is on Duty and occasionally at other times, if required. All referees should report to the canteen at least 10 minutes prior to your game. We will explain when you report, any specific rules and / or procedures for our competition.
Referee Course –
A Level One referee course will be run one evening during the first weeks of competition. Keep an eye out for more details. Every team is expected to have a qualified referee who can help out for Duty etc when needed. If there are no such players when teams register – they will need to have one player (at least) attend the course. Participants initially pay the course fee, however if they subsequently help out with reffing on at lease a semi regular basis, the Club will reimburse course costs.
Referee Uniform
Qualified and regular refs, are asked to wear their official Touch Shirt for their matches. Duty refs wear your own t shirt and shorts – we are looking to supply a referee vest for your game. Please wear football boots or similar to referee in.
Regular refs must use their own whistle, which will be supplied. It is preferable that Duty Refs also use their own whistle however Club whistles (which will be washed / cleaned each week) will be available. If using a Club whistle, please ensure it is placed into the correct container after your games. Don’t forget your water bottles.
Notification of the games that refs are allocated will be sent out a few days before Game Day. Please ensure you contact David Casson ASAP if not available for your allocated match.
Player Conduct and Referees
Ideally, we don’t want to rely too much on Duty Refs. This means that games are often being reffed by qualified, but not necessarily experienced people. All players and participants are advised that the Committee will not tolerate any form of abuse, intimidation or the like, towards our Referees. They are obviously a vital part of our Game and Club, and while doing their best, are sure to make mistakes – just like players. Referees will be advised to record any incidents of such behaviour and the offenders can expect to be dealt with harshly.
The Committee does not wish to take such action – however, it will not hesitate in suspending players for matches, or other actions if deemed necessary.
NSWTA Event Referees
Any referees who are interested in attending NSWTA events such as Junior or Senior State Cup please let our coordinator know. We also have gala days leading up to this tournament that we need refs for. If you’re keen, it’s great money and will improve your refereeing skills.